Looking through the mirror
I wonder whether its me...
suddenly every thing seemed to change
like my own reflection in the mirror....
The face once so calm
is now filled with agony and alarm..
The hands once so eager to help
is now taking time to extend....
The eyes once so full of life
is now filled with tears ready to fall...
The legs that never thought before taking steps
is now thinking twice before stepping ahead...
The words which once were said without thinking upon
is now remaining unsaid after giving a thought...
The mind which once listened to the heart..I wonder whether its me...
suddenly every thing seemed to change
like my own reflection in the mirror....
The face once so calm
is now filled with agony and alarm..
The hands once so eager to help
is now taking time to extend....
The eyes once so full of life
is now filled with tears ready to fall...
The legs that never thought before taking steps
is now thinking twice before stepping ahead...
The words which once were said without thinking upon
is now remaining unsaid after giving a thought...
is now fighting with it to win....
The reflection appearing stranger to me
is now the changed person lying within me...
The reflection appearing stranger to me
is now the changed person lying within me...