Monday, March 4, 2013

Seeking peace

Trouble as large as ocean is holding my soul
I walk miles and miles, searching for peace.

With last hope left , i reach the place of divine
There, He sat stealing all the peace.

Troubled people queued up for begging a part of it
As helpless as they were, i followed the course.

A lady stumbling with her steps walked past us
she made her own way refusing to be part of us.

At feet of divine, she delivered all the peace
The almighty filled with peace, gave away part of it.

With quivering eyes, I looked at her
holding my hand, she lead me past the troubled.

The ocean of trouble changed into dew,
Now left with peace , I return it all.

A dew appears small, when ocean is known
A trouble appears small, when troubled are seen.

The ocean holding the soul, evaporated with a flicker
the condensed dew now glistened the soul.